Best Quality

Tote Bag

100% Canvas Fabric Premium Tote Bag

Tote Bags


Premium Tote Bag

100% Canvas fabric

Size: 16 × 15 × 4 inches

Price: $13.99

Worldwide Shipping

Get worldwide shipping at $10

Reusable and Sustainable

100% Nature Friendly and recyclable

Best Deal

Shipping $10
All about Glamma

My name is Gian Kaur and I am the founder of Glam-ma creates. I am not a regular grandma I am a fabulous glam-ma. I am 75 years old & was born and raised in Punjab. I’ve always have had a passion for fashion & being independent. I’ve been employed for 50 years of my life.

At the age of 75 I wanted to create something that was beneficial for you and the environment The tote bags are re-useable, washable, & help limit the use of single use plastics. Join me in the movement to switch to sustainable living and shop my premium tote bags.

Customer Review


I love my new tote from this online site! The material is high quality and it's the perfect size for work.


I was skeptical about buying a tote bag online, but I am so glad I did! The design is even better in person and the bag is very well made.


This tote bag has quickly become my go-to for everyday use. It's spacious, stylish and the customer service from the online site was fantastic.


I was impressed with the variety of designs available on this online site. I ended up buying several tote bags as gifts and they were a hit with everyone!


This tote bag is the perfect combination of function and style. It's sturdy, roomy and the color is even better in person. Highly recommend!


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